Soft Skill Programme

Program Overview

Surveys carried out in a number of industrialised countries showed that the proportions of female employees who had been subjected to sexual harassment in those countries ranged from 42 to 70 percents. There may be no conclusive research findings on the incidence of sexual harassment in this country, but we are very sure that the problem does exist at least in certain work places especially those with large female workforce, and we are convinced that the situation already warrants due attention and remedial action so that it does not get worse.

The course focuses to the guidelines on the establishment and implementation of in-house preventive and redress mechanism to deal with sexual harassment at the organisation level.

  • Supervisor
  • Officer
  • Manager
  • Identify practical guidance on the protection of the dignity of men and women at work.
  • Understand the code of practice on the prevention and eradication of sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Set up adequate procedures to deal with the sexual harassment problem and prevent its recurrence.
  • Take preventive measure in assuring a workplace that is free of sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual blackmail.

    Participant will be able to:

  • Develop sexual harassment policy for the organisation.
  • Conduct and brief the team members on what the sexual harassment and how to prevent it.
  • Training material : English language
  • Lecture : Malay and/or English language
  • Activities
  • Q&A
  • Introduction
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Blackmail
  • Employer’s and Employee’s Obligation
  • Relevant Law
  • Case References
  • Effect of Sexual Misconduct
  • Obstacles and Solution
  • Policy

In-House Training
